Hey Spark fans, it’s update time! We just wanted to check in with y'all to let you know that know Spark Ball Episode 4 is deep, deep in development! Over half the animation is done, and final VO recordings were completed this very evening! As well as some the voices you all know (and hopefully love), there are some new voices in the mix this time around - including the super talented Jessie Yun, who is lending her vocal skills to the next couple of episodes. Check her stuff out!
As you may or may not have noticed, this is currently the longest period of time we’ve gone between episodes so far. That’s partly down to every day life getting in the way, but is largely down to this being the biggest episode yet. The upcoming instalment will be introducing a bunch of new characters, going deeper into the larger story of the SB world, not to mention getting juuust a bit... musical? In any case, we’ve had almost lethal amounts of fun putting this episode together and we hope you have as much fun watching the outcome of it all very soon.
...and finally, a question for you, dear reader! So Episode 4 is looking likely to be our longest so far, clocking in at somewhere between 11-15 minutes in total. Is that something that you, the average Newgrounds user, can stomach in one go - or shall we go ahead with an idea that we’ve been toying with and split the episode into two parts to make it a little more accessible. Let us know your thoughts!
Speak soon chums!
Mendez getting tough in episode four! But who in the hell is he pointing at? Find out soon!
I personally think splitting it up would be nice :D
Thanks, Jessie!